Curved Edge Quilt As You Go Hexagons

Also known as Momoe’s Star.

I collect patterns pulled from strange places. I have binders of originals and copies of magazine pages and newspaper articles that I flip through for inspiration from time to time.

In a publication called “GMC Motorhome Marketplace” in Aug. of 1995 there was a pattern printed for this curved edge quilt as you go hexagon. I have the pages in a binder (picked up in another quilter’s pattern binder at an estate sale).

The original didn’t include the seam allowance in the curved edge templates. It also wanted a lot of handstitching to turn under the curved seam.

So I’ve set to work on redrawing and changing the construction to make it suitable for machine piecing.

I’ve included a photo for each step to try and simplify the process.

Supplies needed for one block: Templates + One 5” square of center fabric, One 5” square of batting, Two 8” squares of the curved edge fabric, thread matching the curved edge fabric*.

I would recommend using the same fabric for the two curved edge sections. I tried using some scrap solid for one (since one piece of it will be hidden completely under the hexagon) but there was still a thin line on the curve where you could see the different fabric (it is the piece directly under the Hello Kitty in the cover photo).

*Note: For this tutorial I’ve used a dark background fabric and very light thread to make sure that the thread would show up in all the tutorial steps.

Looking at this close-up photo of the corners….I could have extended my curved edge one stitch further before cutting across. These hexagons can be zigzagged together just like regular QAYG hexies and the zigzag would definitely secure that corner a bit more.


Free FPP Pattern: Candy Jack


Bonus Block:Selvedge Label for Please Rewind